
COP21 Paris

Our thougths and prayers go to Paris and everywhere else that terrorism has struck. There is a time for sorrow and fear. But, no matter how devastating, sorrow and fear doesn’t have to stop us from continuing living our lives. Sorrow and fear can show us what is really important in life and help us discover new ways forward.

For all of you who would have liked to marche in Paris during COP21, Climate Speed might be an alternative way of expressing your feelings and the urgency of change. If so, you are more than welcome to participate.


Why Slower is Better

Would lower maximum motorway speed help reduce CO2-emissions?
If so, that would be an obvious support for an initiative like Climate Speed.

In 2010 Mattijs Otten and Hiub van Essen from CE Delft in Holland wrote a paper on the subject. Read about it and download their paper here.

In 2011 the European Environment Agency worked with the same question. Read about it here. (Unfortunately their pdf-report seems impossible to download, but anyway.)

So, does a speed reduction reduce CO2-emissions? Yes, it really does. And a speed reduction also reduces many other emissions (if not all) and strengthens traffic security in many ways.